Des militants de Greenpeace agressés en mer

Une vidéo mise ne ligne par Greenpeace sur laquelle des militants se font agresser par des pêcheurs de thon rouge.

Obama décore Paul McCartney

The President hails Paul McCartney’s contribution to popular music and song during a ceremony to present the singer with the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize.

Les sans-papiers restent à Bastille

Après leur évacuation hier des marches de l’Opéra Bastille par les CRS, les travailleurs sans-papiers squattent toujours le parvis.

Mounia Chérif, passagère de la Flotille de la liberté

Après l’arraisonnement de la "Flottille de la liberté" par l’armée israélienne au large de Gaza, l’une des passagères françaises, Mounia Chérif, âgée d’une vingtaine d’année, est de retour en France. A l’aéroport Roissy Charles de Gaulle, le 3 juin, elle est assaillie par les journalistes.

Le président du CBSP au sujet de la Flotille de la liberté

Khaled Al Shouli, président du Comité de bienfaisance et de secours aux Palestiniens (CBSP), annonce son intention d’engager des actions en justice après l’arraisonnement de la "Flottille de la liberté" par l’armée israélienne au large de Gaza.

Un inventeur et son clone robot

Démonstration de Geminoid, le robot clone du chercheur japonais Hiroshi Ishiguro.

Electric Daisy Carnival 2010 Auditions Episode 1

An out-take that took place 3 weeks into the EDC casting calls.

Featuring Nigel Ficke; an Australian ‘dance academy graduate’ hopeful, that came in for open casting on April 29th 2010. The Insomniac team was so floored & taken a back, that they made him the feature character in this episode for the 6 part EDC ‘Audition’ mini- series.

If you or someone you know is interested in submitting talent for the EDC festival please log onto for more info on how you can be a part of the largest dance festival in North America.

Only serious talent needed.

Please NO Dj’s or Musical act submissions.


-Insomniac Team

Feature track: Many Thanks to: Daft Punk; Harder Better Faster Stronger

12 morts dans une fusillade en Angleterre

Police locate body of Derrick Bird, the man they were hunting in connection with the shootings in Cumbria.

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Le vélo à moteur de Cancellara Roubaix/Fiandre

Aderisci al gruppo contro le bici dopate:!/group.php?gid=128116090547325&ref=ts

Filmato realizzato da Michele Bufalino. le immagini della prima parte del video sono Rai, nella seconda parte l’inchiesta è di Michele Bufalino. Un filmato dimostra la possibilità del doping tecnologico. Alcuni professionisti usano biciclette dopate. Nel filmato Rai, vedremo come è stato possibile truccare una bicicletta e come funziona il procedimento. Applichiamo il procedimento alle recenti imprese di Fabien Cancellara, con prove che apparirebbero incontrovertibili. A voi il giudizio finale.

Il nostro video non vuole accusare nessuno, sono solo ipotesi e riflessioni. Non ci sono prove nè di accuse a corridori nè del contrario. Le indagini non spettano a noi ma agli organi competenti. Abbiamo sempre usato il condizionale per riferirci a questa questione.

LCD Soundsystem - Drunk Girls (HD)

"Drunk Girls" – taken from the new album "This is Happening" Out now on iTunes – & Amazon –

LCD Soundsystem’s 3rd studio album will be released on May 17th (US 18th).

Hear the "This is Happening in full at

For more information on LCD Soundsystem don’t forget to keep checking the official website at

Le magazine

Le magazine
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Le magazine
Le magazine
Le magazine
Le magazine
Le magazine
Le magazine
Le magazine
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Le magazine
Le magazine
Le magazine
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Le magazine