Un film d’animation signé de la chaîne taïwanaise NMANews retrace l’histoire de l’iPhone 4 et de l’"antennagate" en dépeignant Steve Jobs en Darth Vader de Star Wars. (via
Le nouveau clip & single des Klaxons "Echoes".Titre issu de leur prochain album "Surfing the Void" prevu pour le 23 Août.Le single sera disponible en téléchargement le 16 Août.En concert à La Cigale (Paris) le 13 Septembre…
C’était l’un des objectifs avoués de cette web-tv Sourdoreille aux Vieilles Charrues 2010 : interviewer Phoenix. Les petits prince français de la pop sont en train, étape par étape, de mettre le monde à leurs pieds. 10 ans de groupe, 4 albums…
A l’heure d’Indochine sur la grande scène des Charrues, la Garène et ses stands paella/chili con carne/tartiflette se vide peu à peu. Pourtant, tout au fond de ce grand espace organisé en restaurant géant, une clameur s’élève sous un chapiteau…
Rencontre avec l’acteur et écrivain Bernard Giraudeau qui a eu lieu à la librairie Dialogues, à Brest, le 28 juin 2009 à l’occasion de la parution de son roman Cher amour (Métailié).
For more info on Paul visit
Scripted comedy makes its debut this summer on MTV with the premiere of The Hard Times of RJ Berger on June 6th at 11pm ET/PT following the MTV Movie Awards. A half-hour, single camera, scripted, coming-of-age comedy that follows the awkward life of RJ Berger, a late-blooming loser with an anatomical gift, The Hard Times of RJ Berger provides a glimpse into classic teenage milestones.
Following the premiere, the series will move to its regularly scheduled Monday night timeslot at 10pm ET/PT on June 14th. The first season will consist of 12 episodes.
The Hard Times of RJ Berger portrays the hilariously-hellish lives of a deeply unpopular 15 year-old named RJ Berger (Paul Iacono) and his scheming, sex-obsessed best friend, Miles Jenner (Jareb Dauplaise). For RJ, other than pining after the girl of his dreams, Jenny Swanson (Amber Lancaster), receiving daily beatings from the meanest jock in school, Max Owens (Jayson Blair), and evading the stalker-ish advances of Lily Miran (Kara Taitz), there really isnt much excitement in his life. That is, until his anatomical gift is accidentally exposed to the entire school. In a single moment, RJ goes from anonymous to infamous, and for the first time in his life, he feels a tiny sliver of confidence. A coming-of-age comedy about a high school sophomore, the series is part The Wonder Years and part Superbad.
The Hard Times of RJ Berger is executive produced by David Katzenberg and Seth Grahame-Smith. Tony DiSanto, Liz Gateley, Michelle Klepper and Justin Levy are the MTV executives in charge of production.
Fans wanting to see whats to come in the full season can go to to view the trailer, behind the scenes production photos and a six minute synopsis video.
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The Hard Times of RJ Berger MTV Paul Iacono Fame David Katzenberg Seth Grahame-Smith lady gaga this is it bad romance justin bieber one time trailer tv movie 2010 new 2009 vma moon twilight official preview eclipse telephone hot superbad snooki jersey shore gets punched lil wayne drake
La bande-annonce du film "The Social Network", sur la création de Facebook.
Mr Nô live
Filmed at Fac251/The Hacienda, Le Printemps de Bourges, Poco Loco, Europavox and La Coopérative de Mai, by Sofiane Otmani, DVP, Laurent Pastural and Julien Le Coq.
Music: Sourya – Stockholm 1973 (Mr Nô remix), download here:
2010 |
The Mynabirds – Let The Record Go
From the album: "What We Lose In The Fire We Gain In The Flood"
Directed by Rob Walters
Ce jeudi, Nadine Morano était l?invitée des Grandes Gueules à 13h sur RMC. Visiblement agacée par les questions ayant trait au train de vie de l’Etat et aux avantages des ministres, la secrétaire d’Etat à la Famille et à la Solidarité a lancé : "Quand…