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Trailer Viennale 2010: "Empire" (Apichatpong Weerasethakul)
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Lemme tell y’all about this brand new dance move
It’s called the Leo Strut and here’s what you do
You put your elbow up tight, take a step with the right
Tilt your head to side, smile real real wide
Leo Strut (Say what-wha-wha-what?) x2
You can do it outside you can it indoors
You can do it if you tryna walk into Mordor
At a soccer game or on a trip to the moon
They even did it in that movie called Iron Man 2
It’s a crazy way to walk if you in the army
But highly unadvisable when theres a tsunami
If you with Terminator bumpin’ Tupac Shakur
Feel free to Leo Strut with some friendly unicorns
For sure goin’ to war or bout to rob a bank
You best strut with confidence and you will remain safe
If stuffs blowin’ up there’s no need to rush
Take your time clear your mind do the Leo Strut
Chorus x2
We did back in ‘Nam right next to King Kong
In Jurassic Park we always turned the swag on
Leo Strut ya ass up and get outta ya bed
Meet me on the dance floor No Country For Old Men
You dumb fucks this the Leo Strut
We climbed Mt. Everest and walked with Jesus
This ain’t no stanky leg, Leroy Jenkins is dead
We up in outer space riding lions’ heads
Strut with a Platoon in Modern War Fare 2
We be killin ’em struttin’ while y’all still plain’ Doom
If you happy and you know it, put ya right leg forward
Don’t be afraid jus show it Leo Strut keep it going
Run With The Boys’ is the debut solo single from Carl Barât and is released on 4th October 2010 on his own label Arcady Records.
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Love Affair – kIM NOVAk, réalisé par Thomas Aufort.
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A la fin du Grand rendez-vous d’Europe 1 avec Christine Lagarde, Jean-Pierre Elkabbach annonce le nom de son prochain invité : Arnaud Montebourg. Et lâche : "Ce sera moins intéressant."…