Primal Scream, New Order, Brodinski, Anton Newcombe et beaucoup d’autres ont tenu à honorer la mémoire d’Andrew Weatherall.
Andrew Weatherall est mort à 56 ans des suites d’une embolie pulmonaire. DJ et producteur britannique de renom, il était une des grandes figures de l’acid house et avait côtoyé des artistes tels que Björk, My Bloody Valentine, New Order (il faut réécouter le titre World in Motion, hymne officiel de l’équipe anglaise pour la Coupe du Monde de football en Italie, en 1990), les Chemical Brothers et bien d’autres. Entre autres faits d’armes, il avait produit le mythique Screamadelica, troisième album de Primal Scream.
Primal Scream, New Order, Brodinski, Gilles Peterson, les jeunes kids de Working Men’s Club et beaucoup d’autres artistes lui rendent hommage, pour ce qu’il a apporté à la musique, à leur musique.
RIP Andrew Weatherall a true Hero & Legend. One of the most influential to my eyes. Had the chance to play alongside one of my favorite Dj a couple times and I will never forget it 🖤
— Brodinski (@Brodinski) February 17, 2020
We are all very saddened to hear about the passing of our friend, and collaborator, Andrew Weatherall.
— New Order (@neworder) February 17, 2020
RIP Guv'nor.
— Ninja Tune (@ninjatune) February 17, 2020
hard to put into words the influence and impact Andrew Weatherall has had on UK culture…
so sad to hear of his passing
RIP— Gilles Peterson (@gillespeterson) February 17, 2020
We are profoundly sad to learn of the passing of Andrew Weatherall. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this time.
A true cultural icon and vital contributor to the label, his absence will be immensely felt. Thank you for all the music and memories.
— Warp Records (@WarpRecords) February 17, 2020
very sad to hear about Andrew Weatherall this afternoon. rest in power
— anton newcombe (@antonnewcombe) February 17, 2020
Absolutely distraught to hear this terrible news. Andrew was a longtime friend, collaborator and one of most talented persons I’ve known. Also one of the nicest. Genius is an overworked term but I’m struggling to think of anything else that defines him.
— Irvine Welsh (@IrvineWelsh) February 17, 2020
Andrew Weatherall was truly one of our heroes. This mix still sounds super modern. Thanks old bean.
— Saint Etienne (@bobpetesarah) February 17, 2020