L’acteur géant Peter Mayhew, interprète légendaire du Wookiee Chewbacca, a tweeté une rafale de photos des coulisses du tournage de Star Wars. Dès le 7 janvier, il écrivait sur son compte Twitter: “#Nostalgique, du coup je vais poster quelques photos ce soir.”
Les posts se sont finalement enchaînés pendant plusieurs jours avec, à la clef, des dizaines de clichés inédits, qui relatent le making-of du premier épisode de la mythique saga de George Lucas. On y retrouve ainsi Harrison Ford hilare ou Carrie Fisher, alias Princesse Leia, en pleine séance de bronzage.
Ok, you lot really like pics of a certain princess! Here’s one of Carrie and her stunt double. You’re Welcome. pic.twitter.com/CmHYPPvIpM
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 8, 2014
After the first dozen scaldings we learned not to bother @realbdw until after his first cup of coffee… pic.twitter.com/5eWKDkFqxi
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 8, 2014
THE ARISTOCRATS! pic.twitter.com/9v5wfdOsSB
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 8, 2014
The craft services truck was late that day, and Zazzle looked so…darn….tasty!!! pic.twitter.com/VdsKZ2bk3Y
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 8, 2014
I want to be a pirate in the Pirates of Penzance Wear me silver-buckled slippers and me tight shiny pants I want to.. pic.twitter.com/Ad1rtwfU1O
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 8, 2014
Anthony getting relief from the blazing sun. pic.twitter.com/JLQDdjicCx
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
For wampas, now half naked droids. I am a bad man. pic.twitter.com/7mb7WYi8nl
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Another Barge scene, this set was incredible! pic.twitter.com/7rYoZOThQg
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
The most luscious princess in the galaxy and an 11 year old Warwick Davis. I want to be an 11 year old Warwick Davis. pic.twitter.com/SVkdaoH1XV
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Its been 30 minutes, here is your gratuitous Chain-mail bikini shot. And look at @HamillHimself shirt! pic.twitter.com/U5RvJDuDpy
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Wait! That’s my one and only with a cheap mechanical substitute! pic.twitter.com/ZeOA0WLEx7
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Boing, Boing, Boing. pic.twitter.com/miprSWnoB2
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014
Celebrating Sir Alec Guinness’s birthday in Southern Tunisia. April 2nd, 1977 I believe. pic.twitter.com/hjgx7FK4yK
— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) January 10, 2014