Sur Instagram, de plus en plus de jeunes femmes prônent le body positive et montrent que leurs corps peuvent se transformer en quelques secondes selon la posture qu’elles adoptent ou l’angle du cliché. De quoi en décomplexer plus d’une.
Sur Instagram, les photos de corps parfaits, musclés et bronzés, ne manquent pas. Impossible de scroller tranquillement sa timeline sans tomber sur ça:
Ou ça:
Face à cette tyrannie de la perfection, de plus en plus de jeunes femmes influentes sur les réseaux sociaux, suivies parfois par des millions de followers, ont décidé de montrer comment un angle flatteur, une belle lumière ou bien une pose précise peut transformer leur corps en quelques secondes.
Repérées par le magazine Health, ces femmes postent sur Instagram des photos avant/après avec, d’un côté, un cliché de leur corps parfait et, de l’autre, un cliché de leur corps au naturel.
Me 1% of the time vs. 99% of the time. And I love both photos equally. Good or bad angles don’t change your worth ❤️ I recently came across an article talking about how one woman stated she refuses to accept her flaws, because she doesn’t see them as flaws at all. I LOVED that because it sends such a powerful message that our belly rolls, cellulite, stretch marks are nothing to apologize for, to be ashamed of, or to be obsessed with getting rid of! As I’m getting older, I have cellulite and stretch marks that aren’t going away, and I welcome them. They represent a life fully lived (for 28 years so far :)) and a healthy life and body at that. How can I be mad at my body for perfectly normal « flaws »? This body is strong, can run miles, can lift and squat and push and pull weight around, and it’s happy not just because of how it looks, but because of how it feels. So when you approach your journey, I want you to remember these things: I will not punish my body I will fuel it I will challenge it AND I will love it If you’re following my page, you’re a part of helping me spread this message and creating this movement – thank you. #fbggirls
Une photo publiée par Snapchat: AnnaVictoriaFit (@annavictoria) le 16 Janv. 2017 à 15h12 PST
10 second transformation photo 🙌🏼🌿 On the left I have my tights pulled up to cover up my tummy fat while flexing and on the right I’ve pulled down my tights, not coving my tummy fully, still flexing 😊 As you can see angles and the way your pants/body is positioned affects the way you look. I wanted to post this because I ate so much junk food this weekend and have so much water retention now. I went to a vegan expo yesterday and got to have so much delicious food and obviously ate all the food available. It was such an amazing experience and I wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much if I didn’t let myself try all of these foods. A year and a bit ago I would’ve felt so guilty for doing this. I would end up cutting my calories in half, worked out and done hours of cardio. I would’ve scrolled through Instagram and felt insecure about all the athletic girls thinking they probably don’t go through things like this because their willpower is stronger than mine, I’m just weak. But it’s really not like that!! I’ve said this so many times but I’ll say it again, please don’t ever feel like punishing yourself for the food that you eat. It’s all about balance and Instagram usually doesn’t show people from their worst angles. So please don’t compare your body to a picture of someone else’s! Enjoy the food you eat and the life you’re living, don’t over-stress about looking your best all the time!! ☺️ On a quick side note I just wanted to say that it was so lovely to be at this vegan expo, if you ever have one in your town, go and check it out, even if you’re not vegan! It’s a very eye opening experience and gurl, free food!! 😂 I also got to meet the lovely @oatmeal_and_optimism ☺️ 💕 I hope you all have a lovely #lazysunday and had a great weekend 🌴☀️ Sports bra from @movebytwenty3
Une photo publiée par Sara Puhto (@saggysara) le 29 Janv. 2017 à 3h36 PST
“Vos bourrelets sont beaux”, “J’ai un bébé dessert”, “Moi 1% du temps vs. moi 99% du temps”: voilà les messages accompagnant les posts de ces instagrammeuses qui prônent le body positive, un mouvement né aux États-Unis qui encourage l’acceptation de son corps. On espère qu’elles seront de plus en plus nombreuses.